© 2019 Elm Bank Media | Beth Furman, Publisher | Beth@ElmBankMedia.com

2nd Annual Weston Winter Festival
The Women’s Community League of Weston hosted the 2019 Weston Winter Festival on Sunday, December 8th at the Weston Town Hall and Town Green. Photography by John Harmon of Sandy Sandwich Productions
The Law Offices of Sonja B. Selami Holiday Party
The holiday party of the Law Offices of Sonja B. Selami held Saturday, December 7th at Zuma Boston. Photography above by John Harmon of Sandy Sandwich Productions. Photography below by Lindsay Ahern. [gallery...
Debi Benoit 2019 Holiday Party with Kyle Van Noy
Debi Benoit’s annual Holiday party was held on Friday, December 6th at the Wellesley Country Club. It included a visit from Patriot Kyle Van Noy and collected many, many gifts for the Mass General Hospital for Children. [gallery...
43rd Annual Wellesley Marketplace
Sponsored by the Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club, the 43rd Annual Wellesley Marketplace was held on Saturday, November 23rd at the Wellesley High School. This year’s event featured over 200 vendors and raised over $100,000 for the community. [gallery...
Wellesley Free Library 2019 Books & Brews Event
The Books & Brews event was held on November 2nd at the Wellesley Free Library. This was a special donor appreciation event for the Wellesley Free Library Foundation and featured local craft beer vendors. A guest speaker from the Boston Beer Company provided an...
Women Celebrating Women with Uncommon Threads
A night of celebrating women, in honor of and benefiting Uncommon Threads, was hosted by Darby Road HOME on Thursday, October 10. Photography by John Harmon of Sandy Sandwich Productions