Advertising Info

Beth Furman
P. O. Box 812305
Wellesley, MA 02482
(c) 781-424-2118

Diane Brannigan
Account Manager
(c) 781.608.5717

Stuart C Dale
Account Manager
(p) 508.655.6902
(c) 508.740.6128

Ad Rates

Full Page$2,695$2,575$2,425$2,255
2/3 Page1,9501,8251,6701,575
1/2 Page Vert.1,7501,6501,5501,450
1/2 Page Horz.1,6501,5301,4001,300
1/3 Page1,1501,050995935
1/4 Page825795725675
1/8 Page475450425400
Inside Front$3,600$3,385$3,175$2,960
Inside Back3,1002,9502,8002,595
Back Cover4,8004,7004,6004,400
All Rates are Net.
Bleed Charges:
Other special positions: Add 10% to earned rate for position guarantee.
Specialty Inks: (Metallic, Neon, etc.) priced upon request

General Conditions

Advertiser is responsible for supplying appropriate artwork by the Materials Due date. All advertising is subject to the publisher’s approval. Advertiser and advertising agency assume liability for all content of advertisements printed.

Frequency rates are based on the total number of insertions within the contract year. Credits will be applied to current accounts for advertisers who increase frequency during the contract period. All cancellations must be received in writing prior to the Space Reservation date. All invoices due upon receipt of printed issue.

Please see WellesleyWeston Magazine insertion order for all advertising terms and conditions.

Mechanical Requirements

Production: SWOP standard, Web offset, perfect bound
Publication Trim Size: 9″ x 10.75″

Ad Sizes: (width x height)
Full Page 9″ x 10.75″
Bleed: Extend 1/8″ on all sides beyond the trim size. (No bleeds on fractional ads)
Safety: Allow 1/2″ safety on all sides for live matter not intended to bleed.
2/3 Page Vertical 4.75″ x 9″
1/2 Page Horizontal 7.25″ x 4.4″
1/2 Page Vertical 4.75″ x 6.7″
1/3 Page Horizontal 4.75″ x 4.4″
1/3 Page Vertical 2.25″ x 9″
1/4 Page Vertical 3.5″ x 4.4″
1/8 Page Horizontal 3.5″ x 2.125″

Special Inserts: Rates, specifications and availability upon request.

Publisher-set Services

If advertising materials are not supplied, in-house design and production services are available. Copy and artwork for Publisher designed ads must be supplied at least one week prior to space closing. Speak to your sales representative for ad design fees.

Art Submission Guidelines: All artwork supplied for design must be at a resolution of 300 dpi. Any art downloaded from the web cannot be used.
Acceptable File Formats: Electronic files submitted should be saved in a TIFF, EPS or JPEG format.

Electronic Files

Macintosh format, QuarkXPress, InDesign, Photoshop, or Illustrator files are accepted. Include all fonts (screen and printer) and graphics used in the ad. Graphics must be supplied as EPS or TIFF files and must be in CMYK mode with all fonts properly embedded. All graphics must have an effective resolution greater than or equal to 300 dpi.

High resolution (1200 dpi or greater) PDF files are also accepted. All component files and resources (linked EPS and TIFF images at or greater than 300 dpi) must be embedded. All fonts must be properly embedded. Save PDF with bleeds (if applicable) and NO crop or registration marks. Please do not use JPEG encoding or LZW compression.

Ads submitted in other programs may be subject to additional conversion and production charges.

A proof of the ad accurately representing how it will appear when printed MUST be supplied.


Electronic files may be supplied on CD-ROM or DVD-ROM.

File Uploads

Ad files may be uploaded via a file sharing transfer site (such as Dropbox) with the link to the file emailed to


Ads sent via E-mail must not exceed 40MB gross file size. Files should be compressed into a Stuffit file, Zip file, or self-extracting archive. E-mail files to:

Material Held: Ad materials not used after 12 months will be destroyed.

Mailing Instructions

Submit Advertising Material to:
Production Department
12 Godfrey Place, Lower Level
Wilton, CT 06897
203.761.0025, ext. 111; (f) 203.761.8624
Please identify all material by name of advertiser, magazine and issue date.

Winter 2024/2025