Fall 2005 Publisher’s Letter

What a relief and joy it is to find that what you think is a good idea really is a good idea! So many of you have called, e-mailed or stopped me on the street to say how much you enjoyed our first issue. As pleased as I am by the tremendous positive response, I am also grateful to those of you who have taken the time to tell us what you would like to see changed. Your comments, both favorable and critical, are essential to our success, so please continue to let us know what you think.

As a new publication, it will take a few issues for us to develop a voice that reflects the complexity and diversity of the communities we serve. There may be changes as we explore the issues that are of interest and concern to you.

In this issue, we are introducing Forum, a department that will provide an opportunity for members of the community to express their concerns and opinions on subjects that are of interest to the community. Our first Forum piece, “Understanding Alcohol: The First Step To Keeping Kids Safe,” is contributed by Wellesley resident Richard M. Schwartzstein, MD. Dr. Schwartzstein is Associate Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center where he also serves as Vice President for Education.

On a lighter note, I have a great interest in fitness and nutrition so I’m excited that we have four related articles in this issue. “School Lunch Anyone” provides a glimpse of what our teenagers are eating at school and what parents can do to help provide a balanced diet. “Local is the New Organic” extols the virtues and pleasures of eating locally grown produce and where to find it. On the fitness front, “Into the Woods” explores the many trails that are available in Weston and Wellesley while “Buddhaful Kids” explores the benefits of yoga for small children.

One of the articles we are planning for the November issue will profile non-traditional family celebrations of the New Year. If you or someone you know has a unique celebration that you’d like to share, please contact us at editor@wellesleywestonmagazine.com.

Please let us know what you’ve enjoyed, what you haven’t, and what you’d like to see in future issues. Your input is very important to us. As the magazine grows and changes, your guidance and contributions are invaluable. WellesleyWeston Magazine is a publication not only for our towns but of them as well.

Beth Furman

Fall 2024