Fall 2006 Publisher’s Letter

welcome back. Whether you’re back from vacation just in time to send the kids to school or back to work with a vengeance after a summer of taking it easy, the arrival of fall is a time of transition for many of us. We say goodbye to the quiet streets and hello to the hustle bustle of traffic jams, shopping for school supplies, and the seemingly endless stacks of paperwork that need to be tackled before school begins. For many of us who have been basking in the sun and soaking up the last few lazy moments of a day at the beach, the arrival of fall causes us to reorganize, regroup, and reposition ourselves to take advantage of what the rest of 2006 has to offer.

As the leaves change color, a new school year begins, and children can be a bit apprehensive about what’s in store for them. Our “10 TipsforGetting Back into the Groove of School” will help you find ways to help them get off on the right foot. The fall season also promises a change in a rich bounty of flavorful food. After a summer of barbecues and cold salads, we return to the kitchen to turn on the stove and meet the menu requirements for the change of pace. We consulted local cooks who also happen to be busy moms, for family-friendly recipes that are easy to prepare. We also talked with local wine experts who have some interesting wine suggestions that are easy on the budget.

We know that many of you like to take on new household projects in the fall and hope you’ll enjoy our article that features creative bedrooms for kids designed to grow along with them. If a home theater is on your wish list, “Navigating the World of Home Theater” is a must-read before you venture off on your own in pursuit of the ultimate media experience. Both articles provide fresh and innovative ideas to get you started on your own home improvement projects. And if all of the fall activity is causing you to lose sleep at night, you’ll want to read “Sleepless in the Suburbs,” where local health and wellness experts offer alternative strategies for helping you sleep soundly.

Speaking of changes, we have made a couple of our own. We hope you enjoy our new section, “About Town,” which features Wellesley and Weston residents attending noteworthy events throughout Greater Boston. In our Winter issue, another new section called “Inbox” will debut. This section will feature news briefs covering Wellesley and Weston people, places, and businesses. For both sections, please send your photos and interesting news items to jill@wellesleywestonmagazine.com. Email submissions are preferred, and please limit them to 2mb with any photo of a resolution of 300dpi.

One thing we won’t be changing in the immediate future is our plan to provide our readers with a complimentary, quarterly publication, supported by advertisers. In order for us to continue to do this, it is necessary to maintain a 50/50 ratio of advertising to editorial content. As you can imagine, our advertisers are curious to know how effective their ads are, so please be sure to let them know you’ve noticed them in WellesleyWeston Magazine. And don’t forget that we welcome your comments and suggestions so that we may continue to provide you, our readers, with a magazine you look forward to reading each season. It is my sincere hope that you will find the time to take a break from the fall frenzy, sit down, relax, and enjoy reading our very full Fall 2006 issue.

Beth Furman

Fall 2024