Publisher’s Letter Spring 2010

Lately, WellesleyWeston Magazine has made appearances in all kinds of locations throughout our local community and beyond. Most notably, a copy was spotted being read on a beach in Aruba. When my acquaintance asked the reader if she was from Wellesley or Weston, she replied, “No, but my friend lends the magazines to me. I love to go through and mark the pages of the beautiful advertisements.” I’m happy to hear that at least the magazine is enjoying some fun in the sun right about now (I could certainly use some!), and I’m happier still to learn that not only are our articles widely read and enjoyed, but that our advertisements are appreciated and utilized as well.

Evidence of the vitality of our business community as well as the power of advertising is found throughout the pages of our Inbox section, where we publish business news and events. Friends and business associates continually tell me how an appearance in Inbox generates multiple calls, often resulting in new business opportunities. In fact, many of these individuals go on to become advertisers in the magazine once they see how successful their complimentary listing is. Like the buds on the early spring branches, this department is growing…and growing. In fact, it has become so popular with advertisers and readers alike that we don’t have enough pages to print all of the submissions we receive. Fortunately we don’t have any size restrictions on our blog: Please visit us there for a comprehensive Inbox, complete with additional photos.

About Town, our department that highlights local residents attending noteworthy events, is also growing thanks to you. Many of you have submitted photos of your important events, and I have had the pleasure of attending many gatherings around town with my camera in hand, photographing our very active and involved neighbors. It has been busy and fun meeting new people and, as a result, we have too many photos for our magazine pages. Once again, all the About Town photos can be seen at Come and take a look, you might even see yourself.

WellesleyWeston Magazine would not be possible without our loyal advertisers who continue to support us even in this economy. The next time you’re planning a home sale or renovation, a beauty makeover, or simply the purchase of a new product or service to celebrate spring, be sure to consult WellesleyWeston Magazine first, mark the pages of the ads you like, and give our advertisers a call.

I hope you enjoy the articles in this issue and our lovely cover that celebrates the beauty and possibilities of the season. Happy Spring!


Beth Furman

© 2010 Elm Bank Media

Fall 2024