Winter 2005/2006 Publisher’s Letter

I can’t believe it’s that time of year again. One year ago, I was preparing to launch this magazine, and here we are, already into our third issue and heading into winter. It’s the season of holidays, celebrations, and special gatherings. The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day can certainly be a busy, somewhat hectic time of year, but always a season of family, traditions, and giving to others.

In my family, each household hosts a different holiday, and Thanksgiving happens at our house.We spend days cooking up a storm, preparing old favorites, and trying a few new recipes to spice things up.We expand our table to twice its normal capacity with a handy, homemade, oversized tabletop, load it up with entirely too much food, and enjoy each other’s company.

Every family has their own ways of celebrating the season and each other that are important and unique to them. In this issue, we take a look at traditions and the special meanings and memories that accompany them. In “Timeless Holiday Celebrations,” local residents share the treasured traditions that bring them joy each year. In “Traditions: Lived or Outlived?” Wellesley resident Maggie Mulqueen delves into growing and outgrowing traditions.

Along with creating special holiday gatherings, comes the stress of trying to meet unreasonably high expectations and having too much to do within a relatively short period of time.We hope a few of our articles will help reduce stress and leave you with more freedom to enjoy your relatives and guests. Our regular departments, “Ten Tips,” “Fitness,” and “Family Matters” offer advice on how to prepare for holiday guests, keep trim during these tempting times, and enjoy kid-friendly activities which might lead to new family traditions.

As family-focused as the holiday season is, it is heartwarming to know that so many incorporate giving to others into their traditions. In the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, people like Roseanna Means, whose good deeds are featured in “Dr. Roseanna’s Calling,” and the generous women who are active in the Weston Juniors and the Wellesley Hills Junior Woman’s Club show the true nature of the residents who make up our communities.

It is a time of year to remember and celebrate all that we have to be thankful for, and I want to extend my personal thanks to those who have made this a terrific year for me and for WellesleyWeston Magazine. I could not have made it this far without the support of all of you who believe in what we’re doing. I thank our loyal advertisers, those of you who have sent words of encouragement, and, most importantly, my friends and family who have offered support and guidance along the way.Happy Holidays.

Beth Furman

Fall 2024