Publisher’s Letter – Winter 2010/2011

With the publication of our winter issue comes the beginning of the holiday season, and one of my favorite days of the year, Thanksgiving, is right around the corner. Our cover reminds me that it’s time to bring my tea cup collection and fine china out of the china cabinet, polish the silver, and think of new ways to festively set the table. I enjoy Thanksgiving as much as I do because there are no gifts, few expectations, plenty of family time, and it’s always fun to brush up on my culinary skills and try new stuffing recipes. And it is the one day when we have a rare opportunity to relax, turn down the stress level, and show gratitude for all that is good in life.

The families you’ll meet in our “Families Abroad” article may be celebrating a different type of holiday this year while living in a foreign land. Being away from family and friends during the holiday season or traveling at such a busy time must be quite challenging. I can also imagine that it might be difficult to find fresh cranberries in China or pumpkin pie filling in Morocco, but being flexible and learning to adjust to unfamiliar situations is what these families have had to do and are doing quite well. I think you’ll enjoy hearing their stories and you may find yourself wondering if living and working abroad is something you would like to try.

This is also the time of year when many of us are inspired to get involved with helping the community, whether by donating items to a food pantry, serving a meal at a homeless shelter, or writing a check to a favorite charity. In “Do the Right Thing,” we meet a group of area teens who are making a difference in the lives of others by performing community service all year long, and one young woman who has been recognized nationally for her efforts. I was truly impressed by how much these young people have accomplished, and I’m fairly certain that after reading their stories, you’ll be inspired to get involved with a service project of your own.

The days may be growing shorter but the list of local happenings is growing longer. The holiday season is, after all, the season for entertaining. Visit our blog,, to see photos of these events, maybe of you and your friends, and check out our calendar listing for what’s happening in the coming weeks. If you have an event to add to our calendar or photos you would like to post on the blog or in our About Town department, please e-mail our editor Jill Nilsen at We also welcome your business news submissions to our Inbox department located at the front of the magazine.

Whether you’re celebrating the holidays at home or abroad, with a multitude of extended family members or with a few close friends, I hope you experience all the joys of the season.

© 2010 Elm Bank Media | Beth Furman, Publisher

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