The Women’s Community League of Weston invites you to the second Weston Winter Festival. Join us on Sunday, December 8 2019 from in Weston Town Center. A Town Hall Reception willl have musical performances and refreshments in the auditorium. Other activities in the Town Hall include face painting, cookie decorating, balloon animals and arts and crafts. Outside the Town Hall, Santa will arrive on a fire truck. In addition, there will be a polar express train ride, touch a tractor and police cars. The Town Green will be filled with fire pits and more: making a custom Gingerbread House Village, caroling, games, photo booths, donut tree, and outdoor games. Many Partners help bring this event to fruition: the Rotary, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, WCCA, Weston Boosters, WESTON PTO, Weston Friendly,and Land Sake. Don’t miss the Tree lighting at 5p.m.!