Wellesley College sits on an enviable 500 acres, which is a lot of space for an institution located just outside of Boston, to be sure, and most of that acreage has already been pressed into service. That becomes a problem when the private four-year liberal arts college wants to build. Administrators at Wellesley College could take a bull-dozer to its 22-acre Botanical Garden area, or dip into the two-billion-dollar endowment and snap up abutting properties to satisfy a need for buildable land. Instead, when folks at Wellesley College want new greenhouses, science laboratories, and a track and field for its all-women student body of 2,500, they do what over 600 of their in-town neighbors have done in the past 10 years: they tear down.

Get information about two recent projects at the school, and see how a 100+ year-old institution can make itself welcoming and inclusive in so many ways in the Digital Edition of the Winter 2019/2020 Issue of WellesleyWeston Magazine.