
The Wellesley Historical Society will sponsor two events on Thursday, November 13.

Thursday, Nov. 13, 9:30 a.m. “The Rise and Fall of Industry in Lower Falls”-Tour meets at the rear of Starbucks, 2322 Washington Street, Newton Lower Falls. This is a 90-minute, one-mile guided historic walk, recommended for adults and interested teens. For more information or to reserve your spot, please call 781-235-6690 or email our Executive Director, Erica Dumont, at director@wellesleyhistoricalsociety.org. Free for members $5 for public.

Thursday, Nov. 13, 7 p.m. Wellesley Library Wakelin Room“Lost Boston” – Anthony Sammarco, a well-known local author and historian, will discuss some of the prominent buildings in Boston that have been demolished or altered over the last 200 years.  Mr. Sammarco has written over 60 books on local history and has also taught at the Urban College of Boston. This lecture is free and open to the public.