On Wednesday, November 2nd Needham Bank welcomed 130 donors to the Wellesley Field Fund to a thank you reception at the Wellesley Country Club. Tripp Sheehan, Chair of the Wellesley Playing Fields Task Force, addressed the attendees by expressing his thanks to the Community Preservation Committee, the School Committee, the Natural Resource Commission, the Board of Selectmen, and the Board of Public Works for their hard work. He also thanked Community Investors, the Wellesley Field Fund, the Connor Darcey Field Fund, and all of the volunteers and donors including Needham Bank for raising more than $1.3 million in private funds for this project.

Tripp Sheehan addresses the crowd with (L-R) Mark Whalen, Needham Bank’s CEO, and Paul Totino, Needham Bank’s President.
In his remarks, Sheehan commented “Many of you may not remember, but eight years ago the Sprague Fields were an environmental disaster of undulating fields with glass, metal and other debris from a 1940’s landfill bubbling up. We desperately needed to renovate those fields and we needed to raise a lot of money to do so. Mike Jennings and Tom Harrington were spearheading that project and had no idea if they could raise the money and less of an idea where to go. Bill Darcey, who many of you know and love, suggested they go to Needham Bank, where he serves on the bank’s Advisory Council. They scheduled a meeting with the bank and walked out with a $100,000 donation. In addition, Needham Bank provided a $1.5 million loan that allowed us, along with Town and CPC money, to get the project done.
Fast forward to this past year when we started the fundraising effort for the high school track and field. Our first stop? Needham Bank – to ask for their support and once again, they generously agreed to make a $100,000 donation. Needham Bank is a community bank here in Wellesley that has stepped up big time for all of us.”

Bill Darcey, Peter Cassidy, Pam Cassidy, Leslie Frasier, Tim Frasier, and Chris Teachout enjoy the Needham Bank reception at Wellesley Country Club’s 10th Hole Grille
“We feel a tremendous sense of pride in being able to participate in so many important Wellesley initiatives. Given the close relationship we’ve had with Bill Darcey over the years, this is particularly meaningful to us. Thanks to everyone who helped make this project a reality. A special thanks to Mike and Sara Jennings who led the Darcey Field Fund project. I can tell you first-hand how persuasive Mike Jennings and Tripp Sheehan can be when they are passionately involved in something! Our involvement as the largest single donor in this project is what community banking is all about. Honestly, we’re humbled to be a part of this and it’s our privilege to serve this town. We look forward to continuing our support of the community for many years from our Wellesley Banking Center on Washington Street” offered Needham Bank CEO Mark Whalen.
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