Fall 2008 Publisher’s Letter

As i write this on a beautiful, sunny summer morning, it’s hard to believe that in just a few weeks, the days will be shorter, my garden will go dormant, and the leaves on the neighborhood trees will turn color and then fall. With the magnificent hues autumn brings to nature and the cooler air that comes with them is the invigorating sense of wanting to get things done. For me, fall often represents a fresh start as I take up where I left off in May with indoor projects I didn’t get to over the summer but need to finish before the holidays. My calendar becomes full again after a brief hiatus as business and committee meetings get into full swing. Local schools and colleges resume classes, and our streets are bustling once again with young people in pursuit of school supplies and back-to-school clothes.

For those of us working at Elm Bank Media (WellesleyWeston Magazine’s parent company), fall represents new beginnings for a couple of very special reasons. The last few months have been filled with hard work and creative energy as we successfully launched two new magazines: Wayside and North Bridge. Wayside will be published quarterly and delivered free of charge to all households in Lincoln, Sudbury, and Wayland, and North Bridge, also quarterly and complimentary, will be delivered to all households in Concord, Carlisle, and Lexington. Our goal for these new lifestyle magazines and our continuing goal for WellesleyWeston is to reflect the cultural, economic, civic, and historical values of the towns. As WellesleyWeston Magazine enters its fourth year of publication, we continue to strive for beautifully presented and thoughtfully written articles that are relevant and entertaining, supported by stunning photography and graphics.

Another new initiative you may notice this fall is “Shop Wellesley First,” a program developed by the Wellesley Chamber of Commerce to support the local businesses that form the backbone of our community. With gas prices reaching record high levels, isn’t it nice to know that just about everything we need can be found right here in town? I am proud when I shop in downtown Wellesley and see the stores filled with local shoppers and people from far away who drive here to enjoy the wonderful mix of stores in a lovely setting. From tried-and-true stores that have been here for years to new boutiques representing cutting-edge fashion, there is indeed something for everyone and every occasion. I applaud the Chamber of Commerce for promoting our vibrant retail community and welcome the owners and managers of the new stores who have joined “Shop Wellesley First.”

WellesleyWeston Magazine is a community magazine, and I’d like to thank all of our readers and advertisers for their continued support and interest. If you have photos or story ideas you would like to share, please contact our editor, Jill Nilsen, at jill@wellesleywestonmagazine.com.

I hope you enjoy a variety of exciting new beginnings this fall.


Beth Furman

Fall 2024