Screen Shot 2016-02-03 at 10.05.46 AMWellesley Books is sponsoring events with five outstanding authors this March. For more information about each event, see detailed descriptions below:

Theresa Rebeck – “I’m Glad About You”

Jay Atkinson – “Massacre on the Merrimack”

Helen Simonson – “The Summer Before the War”

Jacquelyn Mitchard – “Two If by Sea”

Peggy Orenstein – “Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape

All events are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, unless otherwise noted. All events will have books to purchase, unless otherwise noted. The phone number for more information is (781) 431-1160.

To enter the signing line at any event sponsored by Wellesley Books, attendees must have purchased the lead title from Wellesley Books. If you cannot attend an event, you can still order a copy of the book to be personalized by the author.

For more information contact Wellesley Books (781) 431-1160.